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Posted on 2006-06-08 21:57 Enjoy Life 阅读(673) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: DS study


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef int    TElemType;
//typedef 1 OK;
//typedef 0 ERROR;

#define OK 1;
#define ERROR 0;

typedef struct BiTNode {
 TElemType data;
 struct BiTNode  *lchild, *rchild;

int PrintElem(TElemType e){
 printf("Node Elem is %d", e);
 return OK; 

int PreOderTraverse(BiTNode *tree, int(* PrintElem)(TElemType e)){
   if(PreOderTraverse(tree->lchild, PrintElem))
     return OK;
  return ERROR;
  return OK;

//Create New Tree;

int CreateBiTree(BiTNode *tree){
 BiTNode *T;
 printf("please input int data to create bitree, enter 0 for finishing\n");
 TElemType i;
 if (i == 0){
  T = NULL;
  printf("Tree is NULL \n ");
  return ERROR;
 else {
  if(!(T = (BiTNode *)malloc(sizeof(BiTNode)))){
   return ERROR;
  T->data = i;
 }//else end

void main()

 BiTNode *Tree;
 printf("input data to create a new BiTree \n");
 return ;

