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20060417--Visual Studio Team System面面观系列课程(1):VSTS概览

1Team System 的作用




   而VTFS是广域网的,不是基于文件系统。这个基于数据库的。SQL 2005的数据库.


4:• 单元测试
  • Web 测试
  • 压力测试
  • 手动测试
  • 一般测试
  • 顺序测试

率。例如:20% 的概率运行TestA,80% 的概率运



浏览器组合:模拟虚拟用户通过各种Web 浏览器检查网站的过
程。除Internet Explorer 之外,浏览器组合还提供
Web 浏览器选项。

6:Team Foundation 的逻辑结构
• 数据层
– Team Foundation 数据层由Microsoft SQL Server 2005 组成,该产品用
• 应用层
– Team Foundation 应用层由基于Web 的前端应用程序组成,这些应用程
序与Internet 信息服务(IIS) 集成;包括Team Foundation Core
Services 和Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services。此外,应用层还
承载Team Foundation Windows 服务。
– Team Foundation 应用层还包含Team Foundation Build 和Team
Foundation Server Proxy。Team Foundation Build 提供生成自动化服务。
Team Foundation Server Proxy 缓存以前访问过的源代码管理文件,以
• 客户端层
– Team Foundation 客户端层由团队资源管理器组成,团队资源管理器可
以作为独立应用程序使用,也可以和Visual Studio 2005(Visual Studio
2005 速成版除外)集成。客户端层还与Microsoft Office Project 2003 和
Microsoft Office Excel 2003 集成,项目经理使用这两个产品可以查看项
目信息并将该信息发布到Team Foundation Server。

• 单服务器部署,中型团队
– 用于支持50 个以下用户的团队级:
硬盘30 GB 可用空间
带有SP1 的Windows Server 2003 企业版
带有SP1 的Windows Server 2003 标准版
处理器2.2 GHz Pentium IV 或Athlon

• 要在双服务器部署中安装和配置Team Foundation
Server,必须使用已加入Active Directory 域的计算机。
Active Directory 域的计算机。使用加入Active
Directory 域的计算机时,Team Foundation Server 要
求不包含Windows NT 4.0 域控制器的Active Directory


 • Visual Studio Team System Site
• Team System Newsgroups


FAQ: Visual Studio Team Edition for Software Tester

Find answers to common questions about Visual Studio Team Edition for Software Testers.

How many users can I simulate using Visual Studio Team Edition for Software Testers when conducting a Load Test?
You may simulate as many virtual users as your hardware allows. Licensing is based per processor and not per virtual user.
What is a Manual Test?
A manual test is a test for which there is no automation. Instead, test steps are outlined in a document for the tester to complete. The tester can then report test results and submit bugs as appropriate.
Does Visual Studio Team System support automation testing (e.g., Compuware)?
No. However, Visual Studio Team System provides extensibility points out-of-the-box enabling third-parties to develop tools that target Visual Studio Team System.
What is the Test Explorer?
Test Explorer is a convenient way to view all of the tests, including manual, unit, and load tests, for a given project.
What is a Test Project?
Test projects are standard Visual Studio projects that are specifically created to contain tests. Test projects enable users to draw a clear line between shipping development code vs. code used for quality assurance. Additionally, test projects enable a general manner of organizing tests from a test development standpoint.
Does the test framework manage deploying tests to machines?
Yes. Visual Studio 2005 Team System will include a general framework for test deployment that works in both of our supported scenarios: local and remote execution.
Can I use my own tests in the framework and get individual results?
Yes. You can do this in two ways:
1) You can wrap an existing test as a Visual Studio Generic Test and get results for it, or
2) You can make your own test type and integrate this into Visual Studio.
How do I migrate my scripts from existing testing tools from third party or Application Center Test?
The easiest way to migrate scripts is to re-record them using the browser recorder.
What protocols do you support?
We support recording HTTP and HTTPS only; however, other protocols can be tested using Coded WebTests.
How does Visual Studio Team Edition for Software Testers compare/differ from Application Center Test in Visual Studio 2003?
The load test features in Team Edition for Software Testers are a completely new product. The features provided far exceed those features provided by ACT.
Can I use these tools to load test Apache/Java based Web applications?
Yes, but the tools provided are productivity features designed to ease testing of ASP.NET applications.
Can I test Web services?
Yes, although there is no automatic recorder, Web services can be tested by building the SOAP payloads in the test editor.
What is a Web test?
A Web test is a test that is used to verify functionality of a Web application. A Web test can be created by recording browser activity and contains a list of Web requests and various properties for each request such as "think time."
What is a load test?
A load test is a test that is designed to put a server application under heavy user load to pinpoint performance and/or scalability problems. In Visual Studio, a load test can be based on a Unit Test or a Web Test.
Can I use multiple load clients to generate load?
Yes. You can use multiple clients running simultaneously to create very heavy loads.
Can I test ASP and ASP.NET applications?
Yes, You can easily test ASP and ASP.NET applications using Visual Studio 2005. There are features for the automatic handling of __VIEWSTATE that make ASP.NET testing easier.
Can I create data driven tests?
Yes. Visual Studio 2005 Team System supports the ability to bind input fields and parameters to database files such as Access, SQL Server, or text files.
What protocols are supported?
HTTP and HTTPS are supported through the recorder, editors, and test execution engine. Other protocols such as database and other RPC protocols are not directly supported; however, these protocols can be enabled through the extensibility APIs.
Is SSL supported? What about NTLM and Passport?
Yes, all of these are supported.
Can I convert my old ACT scripts?
There is no conversion utility for ACT scripts or scripts from third party test tool vendors.
Knowing what to monitor during test execution is hard, can you help me?
Yes, we provide pre-defined sets of performance counters for common applications such as IIS, ASP.NET, SQL Server and .NET. These pre-defined counter sets can be easily added to a load test.
What information do I receive while executing my tests?
During test execution, you receive real-time results that include system resource utilization, request statistics such as response time and content-length, error and overall summary statistics.
posted on 2006-11-21 18:09 天空 阅读(868) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: 骗子的系统管理工作