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How to spend you weekend/2006/04/13
    As an ordinary student,I think weekend is a quite leisure and carefree time
    Sometimes I can window-shop with my schoolmates,Then returns to the dorm to surf internet or to lie down on the bed has a look some novels .
    Sometimes I can study by myself to the library,Specially quick test time
    Sometimes I watch the movie or play some pc games very later ,Then second days get up very later
    Sometimes a person can go to the bookstore strolls,May read some good small storytelling,Or goes to the supermarket,Buys something to eat
    It is better to to something than wastes the time
    Originally my weekend is abundance, Each people have their own life style, So long as happy,enjoy youself in any way.
    我是一个普普通通的学生,周末是我觉得比较悠闲自由的时候,整个人也一下子轻松了起来,似乎感觉到了平凡生活的张力 .
有时我会和同学去逛街,然后回到寝室上网或者躺在床上看看小说. 有时候我会到图书馆去自习,特别是快考试的时候. 有时候也会去市区报个日语补习班,觉得总比浪费时间好. 有时候我也会看电影到深夜,然后第二天睡很久很久的懒觉. 有时候我会好好地将自己洗刷一遍,然后洗很多很多的衣服,特别是在冬天. 有时候一个人会去书店逛逛,在里面呆上半天,就可以看完一本不错的小说书,或者去超市逛逛,买点吃的,也可以买一堆打折的东西回去. 说了这么多,原来我的周末也挺丰富的嘛.呵呵. 每个人都有自己的生活方式,有时候选择的也往往都是当时认为最好的,其实这要看自己所喜欢的生活状态亦或是生活模式,只要开开心心,问心无愧就好啊.
posted on 2006-10-14 12:55 天空 阅读(343) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: 骗子的成长