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指令                                 指令缩写来源
ADDWF        f,d                 ADD W and F
ANDWF        f,d                 AND W with F
CLRF             f                  CLeaR F
CLRW            -                  CLeaR W
COMF           f,d                COMplement F
DECF            f,d                DECrement F
DECFSZ        f,d                DECrement F,Skip if 0(Zero)
INCF             f,d                INCrement F
INCFSZ         f,d                INCrement F,Skip if 0(Zero)
IORWF          f,d                Inclusive OR W with F
MOVF           f,d                 MOVe F
MOVWF        f                   MOV W to F
NOP              -                   NO Operation
RLF               f,d                Rotate Left F through carry
RRF               f,d                Rotate Right F through carry
SUBWF         f,d                 SUBtract W from F
SWAPF          f,d                SWAP nibbles in F
XORWF         f,d                eXclusive OR W with F
BCF               f,b                Bit Clear F
BSF               f,b                 Bit Set F
BTFSC           f,b                Bit Test F,Skip if Clear
BTFSS           f,b                Bit Test F,Skip if Set
ADDLW         k                  ADD Literal and W
ANDLW         k                  AND Literal with W
CALL            k                   CALL subroutine
CLRWDT       -                   CLeaR WatchDog Timer
GOTO            k                  GO TO address
IORLW          k                   Inclusive OR Literal with W
MOVLW        k                   MOVe Literal to W
RETFIE         -                    RETurn From IntErrupt
RETLW          k                  RETurn with Literal in W
RETURN       -                    RETURN from subroutine
SLEEP           -                   go into SLEEP mode
SUBLW         k                   SUBtract Literal from W
XORLW         k                  eXclusive OR Literal with W


RETFIE         -                    RETurn From IntErrupt

应理解为RETurn From Interrupt with interrupt Enable,ANY电子觉得还是十分有道理的。当然,其缩写来源其实并不是十分重要,关键是你要理解这其中的意义,记住并能灵活运用这些指令。

posted on 2009-06-25 14:52 cxie's personal note 阅读(182) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用