
       1-----You can't argue with success (只要成功了,就没有啥值得争辩的)
  2-----Nothing succeeds like success (没什么会像成功一样成功,成功会自我增值)
  3-----The end justifies the means (结果说明一切,不管你用什么方法)
  4-----If you can't beat them, join them (打不倒别人,就加入他们)
  5-----Always a day late and a dollar short (总是晚一天少一美元。小失败影响其他,尤其是在时间和金钱上)
  6-----One thing at a time (一次做一件事情。不要太贪婪)
  7-----We'll cross that bridge when we come to it (船到桥头自然直。不要过于担心未来的问题)
  8-----Don't put the cart before the horse (别把马车放在马的前面。不要本末倒置,要求涨薪水前,先拍老板马屁)
  9-----All's fair in love and war (在爱情和战争中,一切都是公平的)
  10-----When in Rome do as the romans do (入乡要随俗。)
  11------Easy does it (慢慢来。心急吃不了热豆腐)
  12-----The bigger they are, the harder they fall (个头越大,摔得越重。不要被问题的大小和对手的名声吓到。来自拳击手比赛)
  13-----All is well that ends well (结果好就好。忘掉期间的错误和不快)
  14-----Go for it (想要就去争取。即使天上掉香饼,也要自己去接)
  15-----Every little bit helps (每一小部分都是有用的)
  16-----Look before you leap (三思而后行)
  17-----All that glitters is not gold  (发光的并不都是金子)
  18------Curiosity killed the cat  (好奇害死猫) 
  19-----Don't put all your eggs in one basket (别把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里。“别拿双脚测水深”) 
  20-----Don't bite off more than you can chew   (不要自不量力,要量力而为)
  21-----Too good to be true  (太好了以致于其实并不好)广告的夸大失实 
  22-----Flattery will get you nowhere   (巴结不讨好)
  23-----There is no such thing as a free lunch    (天下没有免费的午餐)
  24------Pride goes before a fall    (骄傲使人失败)
  25------Better safe than sorry    (保险第一)
  26-----Winning isn't everything    (输赢不是一切)享受比赛的过程
  27------Time will tell    (时间会证明一切)(日久见人心)
  28-----The burned child shuns fire  (一朝被蛇咬 十年怕井绳) 
  29-----There are other fish in the sea     (天下何处无芳草)
  30-----Don't count your chickens before they are hatched (不要高兴太早)
  31-----Rome wasn't built in a day   
  32-----There is more here than meets the eye   
  33-----The customer is always right   
  34-----Be true to yourself    
  35-----Once bitten, twice shy   
  36-----It isn't over till the fat lady sings   
  37-----To each his own   
  38-----Looking out for number one   
  39-----When the going gets tough, the tough get going   
  40-----Times flies when you are having fun   
  41-----If it feels good, do it   
  42-----Live and let live      
  43-----Variety is the spice of life   
  44------Money talks   
  45-----All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy   
  46-----The more the merrier   
   47------A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush  
  48-----You can't have your cake and eat it too   
  49-----There is more than one way to skin a cat   
  50-----One man's meat is another man's poison   
  51-----Love finds a way   
  52-----Absence makes the heart grow fonder   
  53-----Out of sight, out of mind   
  54------Love makes the world go around   
  55-----Marry in haste and repent at leisure    
  56------Talk is cheap   
  57-----Love is blind   
  58-----Time is money   
  59-----If you're so smart, why ain't you rich   
  60-----Beggars can't be choosers
   61-----The love of money is the root of all evil   
  62-----A fool and his money are soon parted   
  63-----It isn't whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game   
  64-----Money can't buy happiness   
  65-----Nice guys finish last   
  66-----The one who dies with the most toys wins   
  67-----Just do it   
  68-----You only go around once in life   
  69-----Put your money where your mouth is   
  70-----The best defense is a good offense   
  71-----The road to hell is paved with good intentions   
  72-----Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today   
  73-----Action speak louder than words   
  74-----Idle hands are the devil's workshop   
  75-----You've got to take the bull by the horns   
  76-----Money doesn't grow on trees   
  77-----Easy come, easy go   
  78-----Too many cooks spoil the broth   
  79-----Stand on your own two feet   
  80------If you want something done right, do it yourself   
  81------Necessity is the mother of invention   
  82------First come, first served.  
  83-----No pain no gain   
  84-----Give him an inch and he'll take a mile   
  85-----If it isn't broke, don't fix it   
  86-----There is no harm in trying   
  87-----The cure is worse than the disease   
  88-----Count to ten before you lose your temper   
  89-----All things come to him who waits   
  90-----There is many a slip between the cup and the lip
  91-----Boys will be boys   
  92------One bad apple can spoil the whole barrel   
  93-----Better the devil you know than the devil you don't   
  94-----Nobody is perfect   
  95------The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence   
  96-----A man is only as old as he feels   
  97-----A man's home is his castle   
  98-----Clothes make the man   
  99-----Two heads are better than one   
  100-----Beauty is only skin deep   
  101-----Many hands make light work   
  102-----There is safety in numbers   
  103-----Charity begins at home   
  104-----There is no place like home   
  105-----Silence is consent   
  106-----What goes around comes around   
  107-----Honesty is the best policy  
  108-----If the shoe fits, wear it   
  109-----You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink   
  110-----You made the bed, you lie in it   
  111-----The pot calling the kettle black   
  112-----Don't get mad, get even

  113-----Get a life  
  114-----My country, right or wrong   
  115------There are two sides to everything   
  116-----Forgive and forget   
  117------Business and pleasure don't mix   
  118-----Let a sleeping dog lie   
  119------No man can serve two masters   
  120-----Make it short and sweet   
  121-----What will be will be   
  122-----A friend in need is a friend indeed   
  123-----People who live in glass house should not throw stones   
  124-----Opposites attract   
  125-----The early bird catches the worm   
  126-----Blood is thicker than water   
  127-----You can't teach an old dog new tricks   
  128-----To err is human   
  129-----Haste makes waste   
  130-----Make hay while the sun shines   
  131-----If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen   
  132-----Everyone puts their pants on one leg at a time   
  133-----Life is a pie   
  134-----Making every minute count

  135-----A pen is mightier than the sword   
  136-----A new broom sweeps clean   
  137-----Tomorrow is another day (or, Tomorrow is a new day.)  
  138-----Opportunity only knocks once   
  139-----Business is business   
  140-----History repeats itself   
  141-----People are people   
  142-----Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer   
  143-----Better late than never   
  144-----Punish one, teach a hundred   
  145-----Attitude is everything   
  146-----Like father, like son   
  147-----When the cat's away the mice will play   
  148-----Praise when praise is due (sometimes even when it isn't)   
  149-----Turnabout is fair play  
  150-----Here today, gone tomorrow

  151-----Will wonders never cease?   
  152-----Do not stand out, fit in   
  153-----There is no morality in struggles for power   
  154-----Natural law is blind   
  155-----The more things change, the more they stay the same   
  156-----Happiness is a choice and misery is optional   
  157-----The leopard cannot change his spots   
  158-----Man proposes, God disposes   
  159-----A live dog is better than a dead lion   
  160-----It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind   
  161-----Spare the rod and spoil the child   
  162-----Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me   
  163-----The worm turns   
  164-----You are what you eat   
  165-----Marriages are made in heaven   
  166-----If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours   
  167-----Office politics are secret and dirty and there is never an end to it   
  168-----Work smarter, not harder   
  169-----Time heals all wounds   
  170-----No news is good news   
  171-----Time marches on   
  172-----Keeping up with Joneses   
  173-----A man may work from sun to sun, but woman's work is never done   
  174-----The sooner the better   
  175-----A good captain goes down with his ship   
  176-----Every cloud has a silver lining   
  177-----The exception proves the rule   
  178-----Shop till you drop   
  179-----The devil can quote scripture   
  180-----Hindsight is always 20/20
    181-----The good die young

  182-----Power corrupts   
  183-----Half a loaf is better than no bread at all 
  184-----A house divided against itself cannot stand  
  185-----Easy said than done  
  186-----A dog is a man's best friend   
  187-----Practice makes perfect   
  188-----Where there is a will, there's a way   
  189-----He who laughs last, laughs best   
  190-----It takes two to make a quarrel

  191-----Let bygones be bygones   
  192-----Two wrongs don't make a right   
  193-----Crime does not pay

  194-----So far so good   
  195-----Two is company and three is a crowd

  196-----Innocent untill proven guilty   
  197-----The devil made me do it   
  198-----Home is where the heart is   
  199-----Time and tide wait for no man   
  200-----Home, sweet home

posted on 2007-04-08 20:54 BenWhite 阅读(2152) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: 生活轨迹













