What's wrong, Dominique?
I feel really sick. I think it was something I ate.
Really? Do you need to see a doctor?
No, I'm just going to go home.
Uh, do you want me to drive me?
Thanks, but I can manage. I will take a taxi.
Are yuo sure? I'm not busy today.
Really, I'm OK.But thanks anyway.
OK, well, take care of yourself.
Offering HelpB->need A's help
Would you like me to...?
Do you want me to...?
Can I..?
help you with your suitcase
carry your suitcase
Let me...
drive you home
open the door for you
Are you sure?
It really is fine with me.
I really don't mind3.B
Are you sure it's...?
no problem
Thanks/Thank you, but ... I'm OK/fine
I think I can...
handle it
Really, that's OK/all right.
But thanks/thank you anyway.
Well,OK. Thanks a lot.
Well, all right. Thank you.other:
I'm going the same way.
I think it was something I ate.
station attendant
posted on 2006-03-18 11:53
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