
狼团队中的每一位成员,共同承担团体生存的责任, 并为此付出自己的独特技能和力量。 我是狼, 相信自己, 相信伙伴。
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Defines functions that change display graphics, control cursor movement, and
reassign keys. The ANSI.SYS device driver supports ANSI terminal emulation
of escape sequences to control your system's screen and keyboard. An ANSI
escape sequence is a sequence of ASCII characters, the first two of which
are the escape character (1Bh) and the left-bracket character (5Bh). The
character or characters following the escape and left-bracket characters
specify an alphanumeric code that controls a keyboard or display function.
ANSI escape sequences distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters;
for example,"A" and "a" have completely different meanings.

This device driver must be loaded by a < DEVICE > or < DEVICEHIGH > command in
your CONFIG.SYS file.

Note: In this topic bold letters in syntax and ANSI escape sequences
indicate text you must type exactly as it appears.


DEVICE=[drive:][path]ANSI.SYS [/X] [/K] [/R]


Specifies the location of the ANSI.SYS file.


Remaps extended keys independently on 101-key keyboards.

Causes ANSI.SYS to treat a 101-key keyboard like an 84-key
keyboard. This is equivalent to the command SWITCHES=/K.
If you usually use the SWITCHES=/K command, you will need
to use the /K switch with ANSI.SYS.

Adjusts line scrolling to improve readability when ANSI.SYS
is used with screen-reading programs (which make computers
more accessible to people with disabilities).

Parameters used in ANSI escape sequences

Numeric parameter. Specifies a decimal number.

Selective parameter. Specifies a decimal number that you use to select
a function. You can specify more than one function by separating the
parameters with semicolons.

Line parameter. Specifies a decimal number that represents one of the
lines on your display or on another device.

Column parameter. Specifies a decimal number that represents one of the
columns on your screen or on another device.

ANSI escape sequences for cursor movement, graphics, and keyboard settings

In the following list of ANSI escape sequences, the abbreviation ESC
represents the ASCII escape character 27 (1Bh), which appears at the
beginning of each escape sequence.

Cursor Position: Moves the cursor to the specified position
(coordinates). If you do not specify a position, the cursor moves to the
home position��the upper-left corner of the screen (line 0, column
0). This escape sequence works the same way as the following Cursor
Position escape sequence.

Cursor Position: Works the same way as the preceding Cursor Position
escape sequence.

Cursor Up: Moves the cursor up by the specified number of lines without
changing columns. If the cursor is already on the top line, ANSI.SYS
ignores this sequence.

Cursor Down: Moves the cursor down by the specified number of lines
without changing columns. If the cursor is already on the bottom line,
ANSI.SYS ignores this sequence.

Cursor Forward: Moves the cursor forward by the specified number of
columns without changing lines. If the cursor is already in the
rightmost column, ANSI.SYS ignores this sequence.

Cursor Backward: Moves the cursor back by the specified number of
columns without changing lines. If the cursor is already in the leftmost
column, ANSI.SYS ignores this sequence.

Save Cursor Position: Saves the current cursor position. You can move
the cursor to the saved cursor position by using the Restore Cursor
Position sequence.

Restore Cursor Position: Returns the cursor to the position stored
by the Save Cursor Position sequence.

Erase Display: Clears the screen and moves the cursor to the home
position (line 0, column 0).

Erase Line: Clears all characters from the cursor position to the
end of the line (including the character at the cursor position).

Set Graphics Mode: Calls the graphics functions specified by the
following values. These specified functions remain active until the next
occurrence of this escape sequence. Graphics mode changes the colors and
attributes of text (such as bold and underline) displayed on the

Text attributes
0 All attributes off
1 Bold on
4 Underscore (on monochrome display adapter only)
5 Blink on
7 Reverse video on
8 Concealed on

Foreground colors
30 Black
31 Red
32 Green
33 Yellow
34 Blue
35 Magenta
36 Cyan
37 White

Background colors
40 Black
41 Red
42 Green
43 Yellow
44 Blue
45 Magenta
46 Cyan
47 White

Parameters 30 through 47 meet the ISO 6429 standard.

Set Mode: Changes the screen width or type to the mode specified
by one of the following values:

0 40 x 148 x 25 monochrome (text)
1 40 x 148 x 25 color (text)
2 80 x 148 x 25 monochrome (text)
3 80 x 148 x 25 color (text)
4 320 x 148 x 200 4-color (graphics)
5 320 x 148 x 200 monochrome (graphics)
6 640 x 148 x 200 monochrome (graphics)
7 Enables line wrapping
13 320 x 148 x 200 color (graphics)
14 640 x 148 x 200 color (16-color graphics)
15 640 x 148 x 350 monochrome (2-color graphics)
16 640 x 148 x 350 color (16-color graphics)
17 640 x 148 x 480 monochrome (2-color graphics)
18 640 x 148 x 480 color (16-color graphics)
19 320 x 148 x 200 color (256-color graphics)

Reset Mode: Resets the mode by using the same values that Set Mode
uses, except for 7, which disables line wrapping. The last character
in this escape sequence is a lowercase L.

Set Keyboard Strings: Redefines a keyboard key to a specified string.
The parameters for this escape sequence are defined as follows:

 Code is one or more of the values listed in the following table.
These values represent keyboard keys and key combinations. When using
these values in a command, you must type the semicolons shown in this
table in addition to the semicolons required by the escape sequence.
The codes in parentheses are not available on some keyboards.
ANSI.SYS will not interpret the codes in parentheses for those
keyboards unless you specify the /X switch in the DEVICE command for

 String is either the ASCII code for a single character or a string
contained in quotation marks. For example, both 65 and "A" can be
used to represent an uppercase A.

IMPORTANT: Some of the values in the following table are not valid for all
computers. Check your computer's documentation for values that
are different.

Key Code SHIFT+code CTRL+code ALT+code

F1 0;59 0;84 0;94 0;104

F2 0;60 0;85 0;95 0;105

F3 0;61 0;86 0;96 0;106

F4 0;62 0;87 0;97 0;107

F5 0;63 0;88 0;98 0;108

F6 0;64 0;89 0;99 0;109

F7 0;65 0;90 0;100 0;110

F8 0;66 0;91 0;101 0;111

F9 0;67 0;92 0;102 0;112

F10 0;68 0;93 0;103 0;113

F11 0;133 0;135 0;137 0;139

F12 0;134 0;136 0;138 0;140

HOME (num keypad) 0;71 55 0;119 ��

UP ARROW (num keypad) 0;72 56 (0;141) ��

PAGE UP (num keypad) 0;73 57 0;132 ��

LEFT ARROW (num keypad) 0;75 52 0;115 ��

RIGHT ARROW (num 0;77 54 0;116 ��

END (num keypad) 0;79 49 0;117 ��

DOWN ARROW (num keypad) 0;80 50 (0;145) ��

PAGE DOWN (num keypad) 0;81 51 0;118 ��

INSERT (num keypad) 0;82 48 (0;146) ��

DELETE (num keypad) 0;83 46 (0;147) ��

HOME (224;71) (224;71) (224;119) (224;151)

UP ARROW (224;72) (224;72) (224;141) (224;152)

PAGE UP (224;73) (224;73) (224;132) (224;153)

LEFT ARROW (224;75) (224;75) (224;115) (224;155)

RIGHT ARROW (224;77) (224;77) (224;116) (224;157)

END (224;79) (224;79) (224;117) (224;159)

DOWN ARROW (224;80) (224;80) (224;145) (224;154)

PAGE DOWN (224;81) (224;81) (224;118) (224;161)

INSERT (224;82) (224;82) (224;146) (224;162)

DELETE (224;83) (224;83) (224;147) (224;163)

PRINT SCREEN �� �� 0;114 ��

PAUSE/BREAK �� �� 0;0 ��

BACKSPACE 8 8 127 (0)

ENTER 13 �� 10 (0

TAB 9 0;15 (0;148) (0;165)

NULL 0;3 �� �� ��

A 97 65 1 0;30

B 98 66 2 0;48

C 99 66 3 0;46

D 100 68 4 0;32

E 101 69 5 0;18

F 102 70 6 0;33

G 103 71 7 0;34

H 104 72 8 0;35

I 105 73 9 0;23

J 106 74 10 0;36

K 107 75 11 0;37

L 108 76 12 0;38

M 109 77 13 0;50

N 110 78 14 0;49

O 111 79 15 0;24

P 112 80 16 0;25

Q 113 81 17 0;16

R 114 82 18 0;19

S 115 83 19 0;31

T 116 84 20 0;20

U 117 85 21 0;22

V 118 86 22 0;47

W 119 87 23 0;17

X 120 88 24 0;45

Y 121 89 25 0;21

Z 122 90 26 0;44

1 49 33 �� 0;120

2 50 64 0 0;121

3 51 35 �� 0;122

4 52 36 �� 0;123

5 53 37 �� 0;124

6 54 94 30 0;125

7 55 38 �� 0;126

8 56 42 �� 0;126

9 57 40 �� 0;127

0 48 41 �� 0;129

- 45 95 31 0;130

= 61 43 ��- 0;131

[ 91 123 27 0;26

] 93 125 29 0;27

92 124 28 0;43

; 59 58 �� 0;39

' 39 34 �� 0;40

, 44 60 �� 0;51

. 46 62 �� 0;52

/ 47 63 �� 0;53

` 96 126 �� (0;41)

ENTER (keypad) 13 �� 10 (0;166)

/ (keypad) 47 47 (0;142) (0;74)

* (keypad) 42 (0;144) (0;78) ��

- (keypad) 45 45 (0;149) (0;164)

+ (keypad) 43 43 (0;150) (0;55)

5 (keypad) (0;76) 53 (0;143) ��

posted @ 2005-11-15 11:37 幽灵狼 阅读(233) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏




牛仔舞(jive),起源于美国,牛仔舞是一种节奏快,耗体力的舞。在比赛中牛仔舞之所以被安排在最后跳是因为选手们必须让观众觉得,在跳了前四个舞之后他们仍不觉得累,还能 很投入地迎接新的挑战。牛仔舞流行于美国南部。牛仔舞手脚的关节放松、自由地舞蹈,身体自然晃动,脚步轻松地踏着,且不断地与舞伴换位,转圈旋转牛仔舞音乐节拍为4/4拍,速度每分钟43小节左右。 牛仔舞以其音乐欢快、舞态风趣、步伐活泼轻盈的特点,正得到越来越多人的喜爱!

posted @ 2005-11-13 20:30 幽灵狼 阅读(246) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


·  拉丁舞系比赛中,在结束了第一首的桑巴舞竞赛后,选手们在舞池中选定了第二首竞赛舞恰恰恰舞的位置,由于恰恰恰舞不属于大幅度移动的舞蹈。故选手们必须选定自己喜欢的位置,规划出舞蹈范围以求最好表现。恰恰恰舞的格调是"俏皮"与"活泼"的舞蹈,选手们非常了解如何使用俏皮活泼的动作与观众互动,而观众们的热情回馈,相对的可激励舞者们做出更高一层的演出。故有关可激发自然性的调皮动作都可考虑列入舞蹈中,舞者在舞步当中强调腿部与脚部与身体线条的搭配性,而臂部的动作就不如桑巴舞中所占的强烈性。
·  舞 风 :俏皮的、活泼的、热情的。
·  舞蹈方式 :定点式、舞者使用相对性的移动与方向线相同。
·  节 拍 :4/4拍。
·  每分钟/小节:1分钟/30~33小节。
·  重音 :在第一拍。
·  升降方式 :无。
·  动作特性 :具节拍性的、瞬间的、直接的重心与无拘束的动作。
·  恰恰恰舞的重点,强调的是腿部与脚部,舞步结构的编排不可过多长距离的移动,并在组合舞步中包含与观众直接面对面舞蹈的舞步,而每个动作与节拍的配合相当重要。
·  在国际标准舞拉丁系列中恰恰恰舞的历史最年轻,故无辉煌优久的历史可书写,但由资料文献可归纳:是在30年代由曼波舞及美式Lindy 舞演变而成;或是:约在50年代于美国的舞厅中出现,紧跟在曼波舞之后而由曼波舞演变而成。恰恰恰舞与它的前身曼波舞几乎同时传入欧洲,而在第二次大战后约1956年恰恰恰舞大大流行,并使得曼波舞靠边站。(顺提:数年前美国影片商,试图利用电影将曼波舞重创粘巴达舞般的流行,但未能如愿)。而国际化的恰恰恰舞是由「英国皇家舞蹈教师协会」予以整理,规范细节并纳入正规教学。
·  1.台湾社交的恰恰恰开步是在音乐的第一拍,其基本步的拍数算法为 "123&4",这应该是早期引进时,延用了美式恰恰恰舞的数拍方式。
·  2.国际标准舞恰恰恰与其兄弟伦巴舞可以说既双生又异类,开步是在音乐的第二拍,其基本步的拍数算法为"234&1",这应是配合拉丁音乐,四拍音乐有重音在第二拍的奏法;而这种第二拍开步,在美国称为 "OFF-BEAT"偏离拍数跳法。而早期风靡台湾的OB恰恰,可能就是以第二拍开步的"OFF-BEAT CHA CHA"的简称。
·  这一点对本地的拉丁舞喜爱者是相当大的考验,也带给了老师们相当大的困扰,可想而知,在跳了数年的社交舞,在心智与肉体己不须经脑部指挥而自然以第一拍开步,而想变更为第二拍开步,必付出相当多的时间来更改思路与肌肉的习惯性,一般最常见的错误是出脚(步) 时口念2而音乐是1(困惑者请向您的老师请教),反言之,舞者能将台湾社交恰恰恰舞与国际标准恰恰恰舞的拍数拿捏无误,那可真是佩服。
·  恰恰恰舞音乐的原创精神,应是充满热情的不能有严肃味道,并加有断音奏法,使舞者能够制造出"顽皮般"的气氛给观众。
尾 语
·  恰恰恰舞是由曼波舞演变来的,也是大部份学习拉丁美洲舞系时,第一接触的舞蹈,它是种有趣及愉快的舞蹈,如说伦巴舞是严谨和稳固的舞蹈,那恰恰舞就是轻巧及调戏般的舞蹈,舞格须诠释为:制造欢乐的、愉快的、俏皮的、及派对般的气氛,并具有其它拉丁舞般的热情。
·  众所周知Latin American Dance是拉丁美洲舞;但恰恰恰舞是在美国成型的舞蹈,故另一则说法是Latin是代表拉丁语系这个地理区域,而American则代表是北美地理区域的美国,而五项舞蹈由在这两个区域成型的舞蹈,组合成的拉丁美洲(或拉丁美国)舞。其余四项为:拉丁语系巴西的桑巴舞、古巴的伦巴、西班牙的斗牛舞、美国的捷舞。
附 记
·  具有连续十四年世界拉丁舞冠军的不败纪录,其优异的表现为国争光,荣获英国皇室策封为:不列颠帝国皇室荣誉成员MBE(MEMBER OF THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE),于1996年10月退休的拉丁舞天王 DONNIE BURNS & GAYNOR FAIRWEATHER,又雄心涣起,己决定重披战袍,回竞赛舞池重当比赛选手

posted @ 2005-11-13 20:27 幽灵狼 阅读(218) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

·  具韵律性与活泼性的桑巴舞通常给比赛带来相当大的兴奋,其重点须有良好的身体平衡性,及在定点舞步和如 Z 形样式移动的舞步中彼此正确分配运用,大体而言桑巴舞是属于渐进移动的舞蹈。而移动须如「嘉年华会游行」式的渐进的圈式舞蹈,而定点式舞蹈时须与观众互动。改良过的国际标准拉丁桑巴舞与会将人们带入狂欢状态的原始巴西桑巴舞有所不同,不过仍保有「嘉年华会游行」式和充满活力的特点。
·  对竞赛选手而言:高度灵活及柔软性的身体为首要,而为如此强烈的律动身体,手臂具次等重要的平衡作用。 高级舞者会正确地运用身体重量与地心引力,产生"很沉" 的重心。选手须将重点放在肌肉的适度松驰和重心,生理及心理的紧绷均无法将活泼、热情的桑巴舞表现良好。
·  舞风:活泼的、浓厚的欢乐气息。
·  舞蹈方式:渐进式移动、定点式、曲折型舞步、游行般、彼此环绕。
·  节拍:2/4拍。
·  每分钟/小节:52~54小节。
·  重音:在第二拍。
·  升降方式:桑巴舞的 BOUNCE 动作产生。
·  动作特性:很"沉"的重心,两点间瞬间的移动,高度柔软性。
·  桑巴舞独特的脚部 BOUNCE 动作,是由重心脚的膝盖与脚踝彼此屈压与挺直所产生的。每次屈压与挺直的时间是使用l/2拍,而屈压的角度又因舞步不同而不同,有时"稍有"有时"无"。另一难度动作为骨盘与臀部的斜刺。缺少了这两种动作就难表现出桑巴舞。桑巴舞的移动须反应出一种"游行"般舞伴彼此环绕的欢乐气氛,并在移动或定点舞蹈时与观众互动。
·  Walter Laird 与舞伴 Lorraine 对桑巴舞汇整成国际标准舞的贡献最大。
·  非洲土著舞蹈:16至18世纪间,葡萄牙人由非洲如安哥拉、刚果等地引进了大量黑奴至殖民地巴西,以取代巴西人与原住民不愿做的工作,而黑奴也将他们的舞蹈带入巴西。
·  桑巴舞的形成:19世纪巴西黑奴的身体滚动舞蹈加入巴西土著舞蹈 Lundu 的身体摇晃动作,继而加入由欧洲引入的花车游行的嘉年华会舞步 Copacabana 混合而成称 Zemba Quecu,最后又混血了巴西舞 Maxixe 后才大略成形。
·  在全世界人眼中,桑巴舞是巴西的国舞,代表着热情及多种族族群的艺术溶合,嘉年华会更是巴西人最重要的节庆,但巴西人对待桑巴舞,就不如异国人对待桑巴舞那么崇高了,因16世纪黑奴引进时所带来桑巴舞雏形的黑人舞蹈,因跳时身体有磨擦被列为「不入流」、「粗野」的舞蹈,属于低下阶层的,甚至当时殖民总督下令禁跳,再者,巴西政府对桑巴舞有卓越贡献的人并无奖励,对桑巴舞有历史性之事及物也未予以重视。故在20世纪初之前的年代,巴西人如跳桑巴舞就被视为游手好闲、无赖等之辈,有时警方也会制止。
·  但在另一方面,原黑人的舞蹈具有宗教性、文化性的层面意义,因加入了巴西土著及欧式舞步,演变成多族群性的共同舞蹈,又其所用的敲打式乐器所散发出的豪迈,深深打动人心,而舞蹈的挑逗性与律动性,对巴西占大部份人口的中下阶层而言,代表着是对现实社会不满情绪的舒散,是男欢女爱的媒介,也是打发时间的休闲娱乐,更是庆典节日狂欢的工具,成为日常生活的一部份。而在近四、五十年间国际社会接纳桑巴舞后,桑巴舞的地位才在巴西国度里向上提升,不过巴西仍未将其列入高尚艺术之厅。
·  1905年Maxixe 舞于法国巴黎发明。
·  1914年前巴西人称桑巴舞为 Maxixe。
·  1925年欧洲引进了桑巴舞,也举办桑巴舞比赛。
·  1934年间由于美国舞王 Fred Astaire 的「Flying Down to Rio」电影之故,英国流行了一种以 Samba 为形式的舞蹈称 Carioca。
·  1938年 Carioca 传至美国。
·  1938年的巴西报纸「O Carapuceiro」的一篇文章中首度出现葡萄牙
「Samba」一字,作者为 Lopes Gama 神父,意思为一种节奏、一种舞蹈。
·  1939年的纽约万国博览会时期桑巴舞放大光彩。
·  1941年间由一位电影舞蹈名星 Carman Miranda 的推广下广为流行,尤其是「The Night In Rio」这部电影。
·  1948年欧洲开始流行。
·  1950年代由于一位具领导地位的英国贵族马格丽特公主的影响,更具进一步的流行开来。
·  1956年正式地在国际上普及流行开来,是受法国人 Pierre Lavelle 的影响。

posted @ 2005-11-13 20:24 幽灵狼 阅读(460) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

·  大约十年前,拉丁舞系比赛中,第一首竞赛的舞曲是伦巴舞,但不知为何,此拉丁舞的代表舞,后来却被往后推至第三曲竞赛。
·  伦巴舞的舞蹈型式上,女舞者必须经由动作,强调臀部的表现,并相当留意臀部动作是否跟随着男舞者,而男舞者也须有具体的臀部动作,但男舞者最重要的是:使用整体的肢体创造出身体引导并激励女舞者,强烈的将焦点放在女舞者身上,加上有「他要她」的表现。
·  竞赛选手不可在舞池大规模的移动,必须划定舞蹈区域,并以舞蹈予以完全笼罩。伦巴舞的常步须以转移重心产生强而稳的脚部间移动,不可有大距离的摆荡移动。伦巴的格调定意是由身体的扭转与臀部自然运用所组合而成的。复杂的、体操型态的舞步,与不自然的脸部表情须注意,因为这些都无法吸引男士。
·  舞风 :煽情的、性感与热情的、若即若离的挑逗。
·  舞蹈方式 :定点式、柔顺的、强调重音的持续的动作。
·  节拍 :4/4拍。
·  每分钟/小节:一分钟/27~29小节。
·  重音 :在第一拍。
·  升降方式 :无。
·  动作特性 :沉稳、音乐情感、强而直接的脚法。
·  伦巴舞所强调的臀部动作重点,是经由控制脚与脚之间的重心转移所产生,脚的移动用了半拍时间,而身体动作的产生在每一拍的后半拍。「爆发性」的动作与「音乐的诠释」须有效的运用,创造出持续性的动作以符合舞蹈中的对应性与敏锐性,肢体须不断的改变线条,手部动作须始于身体中心并成身体动作的最终表达。脚腿部与其关节等更是表现的重点,加上脚部与地板间须呈现持续柔顺的接触,男士须有手部与意态上的灵锐引导。
历 史:
·  伦巴舞的发展历程虽说冠有「古巴」,但在古巴国却未能受到重视,因此未能得到有心人士的探索,文献记录也是相当有限。
·  传说伦巴是由非洲黑奴带入美洲的,因黑奴们脚都上有脚铐铁链,虽身系他乡,沦屈为奴,但血液中的豪迈天性仍未失,每遇思乡情怀涌上心头之时,三五成群就以舞蹈来表达,但局限于脚链限制,无法尽情奔放;而演变出走步方式的伦巴舞雏型。于1928、29年前,伦巴的脚法与花步仍不统一,许多人认为伦巴是额外加臀部动作的狐步舞,而在第二次世界大战后,由在英国教舞的法国人,Pieer & Doris Lavell将伦巴作进一步的研究并称为「古巴伦巴」,但在国际标准舞而言舞步仍未整合,最后在拉丁舞大师Walter Laird予以标准化才解决了这个问题。
·  相同于恰恰舞,国际标准舞的伦巴舞,开步拍在正常4/4拍音乐的第二拍,2、3、4、1是正规拍数算法,但在台湾三、四十年代,由大陆带来的美式伦巴舞,于七○年代渐渐不受重视,并以英式伦巴舞取而代之时,不幸的仍延用美式伦巴舞拍数算法的1、2、3、4,因此种下了百年不解的恶根;造成学舞者,为同种舞具两种拍数算法,在为更改拍数算法上,浪费无数精神与金钱;另一方面学舞者,一直存着错误的观念,也就是说,跳伦巴舞时,同样是基本步,拍子算法是1、2 、3、4以国语念出,那学的就是普通级的社交舞;拍子算法是2、3、 4、1以英语念出,那学的就是高级的国际标准舞。
·  发源于古巴,带有典型热情气息的舞蹈,并是所有拉丁舞蹈的经典,其舞蹈基本舞步中所呈现出并保有古老传说的故事,女性使用肢体的魅力尝试支配男性,而在编排优良的舞序中又包含有「先挑逗后离开」的动作。此肢体动作就令人有影射性的遐想。
·  无可讳言的,伦巴舞在保守传统的台湾社会中,存在两极化的评价,是美丽的爱情故事,令人向往与恩宠,是暧昧的肢体动作,令人毛耸而排斥;相信对学过伦巴舞的舞者而言,初学时的扭腰摆臀是既爱又恨,爱的是肢体摆荡的美,恨的是自我肢体的愚钝;接着的手部搔首弄姿动作,此时百分之八十的学习者,己是打退堂鼓「老师我看你跳就好了」;而能坚持且渡过生理与心理的障碍期的舞者,在肢体动作愈趋成熟时,愈能了解伦巴舞所代表的含意,对伦巴舞更是喜爱,将色情感觉跨越并提升为艺术的伦巴舞。

posted @ 2005-11-13 20:22 幽灵狼 阅读(1636) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏



(cha cha cha),起源于墨西哥,音乐为4/4拍,速度每分钟31小节左右。恰恰恰,音乐有趣,节奏感强,舞态花俏,舞步利落紧凑,在全世界广流行! 


(pase doble),起源于法国,发展于西班牙,它的音乐为2/4拍,速度每分钟62小节左右。斗牛舞音乐雄壮、舞态豪放、步伐强悍振奋,是人们对它情有独钟的原因。


posted @ 2005-11-13 20:12 幽灵狼 阅读(307) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

国际标准交谊舞,又称“体育舞蹈”,原名称做“社交舞”,英文为“Ballroom Dancing”,为欧洲贵族在宫廷举行的交谊舞会,法国革命后,Ballroom Dancing流传民间至今。第二次世界大战后,美国人将该舞蹈散播到全球各地,并形成一股跳舞热潮,至今不衰。

经历一百多年的发展,“社交舞”从“社交”发展为“竞技”,将单一的舞种发展为摩登舞、拉丁舞两大系列的十个舞种,并在1904年成立了"英国皇家舞蹈教师协会"。这个组织将当时欧美流行的舞姿、舞步、方向等整理成统一标准,制定了有关舞蹈理论、技巧、音乐、服装等竞技的标准,公布为“国际标准交谊舞舞厅舞”(简称“国标舞”),为世界各国所遵循,英国的黑池甚至成了“国标舞”的圣地。目前,世界各国将国际标准舞易名为“体育舞蹈”,欲将舞蹈运动纳入体育运动项目。拥有74个会员国的“国际舞蹈运动总会”(International Dance Sport Federation)于1997年9月4日正式成为国际奥林匹克委员会会员,2000年成为悉尼奥运会表演项目,2008年将成为正式比赛项目。



到了17世纪至18世纪,三种文化的逐渐融合导致了一种新的文化产生克立奥耳语 。由于欧洲舞蹈传入拉丁美洲,他们逐渐接受了这种文化。在古巴,随着切分音节奏的流行,对面舞变成了哈巴聂拉舞(一种类似于探戈的舞蹈)。后来,随着与酒吧音乐节奏的融合,切分音变得越来越强变成了 “son”的缩写。1795年这种节奏就已在巴西使用,其中有一首歌(情歌)在19世纪之际之时在欧洲变得很流行。复杂的切分音节奏,现在已经成为所有拉丁舞的特征。


1950年,英国“黑池”,由英国ICBD(世界舞蹈组织)主办了首届世界性的大赛“BLACKPOOL DANCE FESTIVAL 1950”(“黑池舞蹈节”),并把规范后的舞蹈命名为国际标准交谊舞,以后每年的五月底,在英国的“黑池”举办一届世界性的大赛。随着此种舞蹈在世界的不断推广,自身也得到了发展,摩登舞中又增加了维也纳华尔兹。

posted @ 2005-11-13 20:09 幽灵狼 阅读(255) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

等了好久, 拉丁舞新一期培训班终于又开课了。刚进练舞房竟碰到一同事,惊诧不已:) 我是最后一天报的名,发现报名者寥寥无几。然而今天开课却发现人员不少, 而且全是女孩, 男同胞仅四位,汗!!!

posted @ 2005-11-13 19:19 幽灵狼 阅读(460) | 评论 (4)编辑 收藏

Problem when build lib:

spiwolf@fb$ cd lib
spiwolf@fb$ gmake
gcc -g -O2 -Wall -c mcast_leave.c
mcast_leave.c: In function `mcast_leave':
mcast_leave.c:26: `IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP' undeclared (first use in this function)
mcast_leave.c:26: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
mcast_leave.c:26: for each function it appears in.)
*** Error code 1

Stop in /home/gabriel/unpv12e/lib.

The resolution for it is:

change the following:
mcast_leave.c: Change IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP to IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP
mcast_join.c: Change IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP to IPV6_JOIN_GROUP

IIRC these names were changed by a later RFC (2553, which obsoletes 2133 and is obsoleted by 3493). Matter of fact, I was grousing about this, a while ago, about this very issue: http://forums.devshed.com/t53905/s.html?perpage=15&pagenumber=2

posted @ 2005-11-11 15:25 幽灵狼 阅读(310) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2.6 Debugging

2.6.1 The Debugger

The debugger that comes with FreeBSD is called gdb (GNU debugger). You start it up by typing

% gdb progname

although most people prefer to run it inside Emacs. You can do this by:

M-x gdb RET progname RET

Using a debugger allows you to run the program under more controlled circumstances. Typically, you can step through the program a line at a time, inspect the value of variables, change them, tell the debugger to run up to a certain point and then stop, and so on. You can even attach to a program that is already running, or load a core file to investigate why the program crashed. It is even possible to debug the kernel, though that is a little trickier than the user applications we will be discussing in this section.

gdb has quite good on-line help, as well as a set of info pages, so this section will concentrate on a few of the basic commands.

Finally, if you find its text-based command-prompt style off-putting, there is a graphical front-end for it (xxgdb) in the ports collection.

This section is intended to be an introduction to using gdb and does not cover specialized topics such as debugging the kernel.

2.6.2 Running a program in the debugger

You will need to have compiled the program with the -g option to get the most out of using gdb. It will work without, but you will only see the name of the function you are in, instead of the source code. If you see a line like:

... (no debugging symbols found) ...

when gdb starts up, you will know that the program was not compiled with the -g option.

At the gdb prompt, type break main. This will tell the debugger to skip over the preliminary set-up code in the program and start at the beginning of your code. Now type run to start the program--it will start at the beginning of the set-up code and then get stopped by the debugger when it calls main(). (If you have ever wondered where main() gets called from, now you know!).

You can now step through the program, a line at a time, by pressing n. If you get to a function call, you can step into it by pressing s. Once you are in a function call, you can return from stepping into a function call by pressing f. You can also use up and down to take a quick look at the caller.

Here is a simple example of how to spot a mistake in a program with gdb. This is our program (with a deliberate mistake):

#include <stdio.h>

int bazz(int anint);

main() {
int i;

printf("This is my program\n");
return 0;

int bazz(int anint) {
printf("You gave me %d\n", anint);
return anint;

This program sets i to be 5 and passes it to a function bazz() which prints out the number we gave it.

When we compile and run the program we get

% cc -g -o temp temp.c
% ./temp
This is my program
anint = 4231

That was not what we expected! Time to see what is going on!

% gdb temp
GDB is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it
under certain conditions; type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB; type "show warranty" for details.
GDB 4.13 (i386-unknown-freebsd), Copyright 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
(gdb) break main Skip the set-up code
Breakpoint 1 at 0x160f: file temp.c, line 9. gdb puts breakpoint at main()
(gdb) run Run as far as main()
Starting program: /home/james/tmp/temp Program starts running

Breakpoint 1, main () at temp.c:9 gdb stops at main()
(gdb) n Go to next line
This is my program Program prints out
(gdb) s step into bazz()
bazz (anint=4231) at temp.c:17 gdb displays stack frame

Hang on a minute! How did anint get to be 4231? Did we not we set it to be 5 in main()? Let's move up to main() and have a look.

(gdb) up                   Move up call stack
#1 0x1625 in main () at temp.c:11 gdb displays stack frame
(gdb) p i Show us the value of i
$1 = 4231 gdb displays 4231

Oh dear! Looking at the code, we forgot to initialize i. We meant to put

main() {
int i;

i = 5;
printf("This is my program\n");

but we left the i=5; line out. As we did not initialize i, it had whatever number happened to be in that area of memory when the program ran, which in this case happened to be 4231.

Note: gdb displays the stack frame every time we go into or out of a function, even if we are using up and down to move around the call stack. This shows the name of the function and the values of its arguments, which helps us keep track of where we are and what is going on. (The stack is a storage area where the program stores information about the arguments passed to functions and where to go when it returns from a function call).

2.6.3 Examining a core file

A core file is basically a file which contains the complete state of the process when it crashed. In “the good old days”, programmers had to print out hex listings of core files and sweat over machine code manuals, but now life is a bit easier. Incidentally, under FreeBSD and other 4.4BSD systems, a core file is called progname.core instead of just core, to make it clearer which program a core file belongs to.

To examine a core file, start up gdb in the usual way. Instead of typing break or run, type

(gdb) core progname.core

If you are not in the same directory as the core file, you will have to do dir /path/to/core/file first.

You should see something like this:

% gdb a.out
GDB is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it
under certain conditions; type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB; type "show warranty" for details.
GDB 4.13 (i386-unknown-freebsd), Copyright 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
(gdb) core a.out.core
Core was generated by `a.out'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
Cannot access memory at address 0x7020796d.
#0 0x164a in bazz (anint=0x5) at temp.c:17

In this case, the program was called a.out, so the core file is called a.out.core. We can see that the program crashed due to trying to access an area in memory that was not available to it in a function called bazz.

Sometimes it is useful to be able to see how a function was called, as the problem could have occurred a long way up the call stack in a complex program. The bt command causes gdb to print out a back-trace of the call stack:

(gdb) bt
#0 0x164a in bazz (anint=0x5) at temp.c:17
#1 0xefbfd888 in end ()
#2 0x162c in main () at temp.c:11

The end() function is called when a program crashes; in this case, the bazz() function was called from main().

2.6.4 Attaching to a running program

One of the neatest features about gdb is that it can attach to a program that is already running. Of course, that assumes you have sufficient permissions to do so. A common problem is when you are stepping through a program that forks, and you want to trace the child, but the debugger will only let you trace the parent.

What you do is start up another gdb, use ps to find the process ID for the child, and do

(gdb) attach pid

in gdb, and then debug as usual.

“That is all very well,” you are probably thinking, “but by the time I have done that, the child process will be over the hill and far away”. Fear not, gentle reader, here is how to do it (courtesy of the gdb info pages):

if ((pid = fork()) < 0) /* _Always_ check this */
else if (pid == 0) { /* child */
int PauseMode = 1;

while (PauseMode)
sleep(10); /* Wait until someone attaches to us */
} else { /* parent */

Now all you have to do is attach to the child, set PauseMode to 0, and wait for the sleep() call to return!

This, and other documents, can be downloaded from ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/doc/.

For questions about FreeBSD, read the documentation before contacting <questions@FreeBSD.org>.
For questions about this documentation, e-mail <doc@FreeBSD.org>.

posted @ 2005-11-11 15:24 幽灵狼 阅读(230) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

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