Lesson 6:
Displaying Data on a PC
Last updated 23 September
2003 |
To goal of this lesson is to integrate the sensor network with a PC, allowing
us to display sensor readings on the PC as well as to communicate from the PC
back to the motes. First, we'll introduce the basic tools used to read sensor
network data on a desktop over the serial port. Next we'll demonstrate a Java
application that displays sensor readings graphically. Finally, we'll close the
communication loop by showing how to send data back to the motes.
The Oscilloscope
application |
The mote application we use in this lesson is found in apps/Oscilloscope. It consists of a
single module that reads data from the photo sensor. For each 10 sensor
readings, the module sends a packet to the serial port containing those
readings. The mote only sends the packets over the serial port. (To see how the
data can be sent over the radio see apps/OscilloscopeRF.)
Compile and install the Oscilloscope application on a mote. You will
need to connect a sensor board to the mote to get the light readings. Remember
to set the SENSORBOARD option in apps/Oscilloscope/Makefile to
either micasb or basicsb depending on the type of sensor board
you have.
This application requires that the mote with the sensor be connected to the
serial port on the programming board. Note that the size of the current Mica
sensor board prevents you from plugging the mote and board into the programming
board directly. One workaround is to use a short cable to connect the
programming board to the sensor board connector.
When the Oscilloscope application is running, the red LED lights
when the sensor reading is over some threshold (set to 0x0300) by
default in the code - you might want to change this to a higher value if it
never seems to go off in the dark). The yellow LED is toggled whenever a packet
is sent to the serial port.
The 'listen' tool:
displaying raw packet data |
The first step to establishing communication between the PC and the mote is
to connect up your serial port cable to the programming board, and to make sure
that you have Java and the javax.comm package installed. After
programming your mote with the Oscilloscope code, cd to the
tools/java directory, and type
export MOTECOM=serial@serialport:baudrate
environment variable
MOTECOM tells the java Listen tool (and most other
tools too) which packets it should listen to. Here
serial@serialport:baudrate says to listen to a mote connected to
a serial port, where
serialportis the serial port that you have
connected the programming board to, and
baudrate is the specific
baudrate of the mote. For the mica and mica2dot motes, the baud rate is 19200,
for the mica2 it is 57600 baud. You can also use a mote name as the baudrate (in
which case that motes baudrate is selected). So you could do any of:
export MOTECOM=serial@COM1:19200 # mica baud rate
export MOTECOM=serial@COM1:mica # mica baud rate, again
export MOTECOM=serial@COM2:mica2 # the mica2 baud rate, on a different serial port
export MOTECOM=serial@COM3:57600 # explicit mica2 baud rate
MOTECOM appropriately, then run
java net.tinyos.tools.Listen
You should see some output
resembling the following:
% java net.tinyos.tools.Listen
serial@COM1:19200: resynchronising
7e 00 0a 7d 1a 01 00 0a 00 01 00 46 03 8e 03 96 03 96 03 96 03 97 03 97 03 97 03 97 03 97 03
7e 00 0a 7d 1a 01 00 14 00 01 00 96 03 97 03 97 03 98 03 97 03 96 03 97 03 96 03 96 03 96 03
7e 00 0a 7d 1a 01 00 1e 00 01 00 98 03 98 03 96 03 97 03 97 03 98 03 96 03 97 03 97 03 97 03
program is simply printing the raw data of each packet received from the serial
Before continuning, execute unset MOTECOM to avoid forcing all java
applications to use the serial port to get packets.
If you don't have the javax.comm package installed properly, then
the program will complain that it can't find the serial port. If you do not see
that data lines on the screen, you may have chosen the wrong COM port or the
mote may not be correctly connected to the computer.
The application that you are running is simply printing out the packets that
are coming from the mote. Each data packet that comes out of the mote contains
several fields of data. Some of these fields are generic Active Message fields,
and are defined in tos/types/AM.h.
The data payload of the message, which is defined by the application, is defined
in apps/Oscilloscope/OscopeMsg.h.
The overall message format for the Oscilloscope application is as follows:
- Destination address (2 bytes)
- Active Message handler ID (1 byte)
- Group ID (1 byte)
- Message length (1 byte)
- Payload (up to 29 bytes):
- source mote ID (2 bytes)
- sample counter (2 bytes)
- ADC channel (2 bytes)
- ADC data readings (10 readings of 2 bytes each)
So we can interpret the data packet as follows:
dest addr |
handlerID |
groupID |
msg len |
source addr |
counter |
channel |
readings |
7e 00 |
0a |
7d |
1a |
01 00 |
14 00 |
01 00 |
96 03 97 03 97 03 98 03 97 03 96 03 97 03 96 03 96 03 96
03 |
Note that the data is sent by the mote in little-endian format; so,
for example, the two bytes 96 03 represent a single sensor reading with
most-significant-byte 0x03 and least-significant-byte 0x96.
That is, 0x0396 or 918 decimal.
Here is an excerpt from OscilloscopeM.nc showing the data being
written to the packet:
OscilloscopeM.nc async event result_t ADC.dataReady(uint16_t data) { struct OscopeMsg *pack;
atomic { pack = (struct OscopeMsg *)msg[currentMsg].data;
// add the new sensor reading to the packet // and update the number of bytes in this packet pack->data[packetReadingNumber++] = data;
readingNumber++; // increment total number of bytes
dbg(DBG_USR1, "data_event\n");
// if the packet is full, send the packet out if (packetReadingNumber == BUFFER_SIZE) { post dataTask(); } }
if (data > 0x0300) call Leds.redOn(); else call Leds.redOff();
return SUCCESS; } task void dataTask() { struct OscopeMsg *pack; atomic { pack = (struct OscopeMsg *)msg[currentMsg].data; packetReadingNumber = 0; pack->lastSampleNumber = readingNumber; }
pack->channel = 1; pack->sourceMoteID = TOS_LOCAL_ADDRESS; /* Try to send the packet. Note that this will return * failure immediately if the packet could not be queued for * transmission. */ if (call DataMsg.send(TOS_UART_ADDR, sizeof(struct OscopeMsg), &msg[currentMsg])) { atomic { currentMsg ^= 0x1; // flip-flop between two message buffers } call Leds.yellowToggle(); } } |
The SerialForwarder
Program |
The Listen program is the most basic way of communicating with the
mote; it directly opens the serial port and just dumps packets to the screen.
Obviously it is not easy to visualize the sensor data using this program. What
we'd really like is a better way of retrieving and observing data coming from
the sensor network.
The SerialForwarder program is used to read packet data from a
serial port and forward it over an Internet connection, so that other programs
can be written to communicate with the sensor network over the Internet. To run
the serial forwarder, cd to tools/java and run the program
java net.tinyos.sf.SerialForwarder -comm serial@COM1:<baud rate>
will open up a GUI window that looks similar to the following:

The -comm argument tells SerialForwarder to communicate
over serial port COM1.
The-comm argument specifies
where the packets SerialForwarder
should forward come from, using the same syntax as the MOTECOM environment variable you saw above
(you can run 'java
net.tinyos.packet.BuildSource' to get a list of valid sources). Unlike
most other programs, SerialForwarder does not pay attention to the MOTECOM environment variable; you must use
the -comm argument to specify the
packet source (The rationale is that you would typically set MOTECOM to specify a serial forwarder, and
that serial forwader should talk to, e.g., a serial port. You wouldn't want the
SerialForwarder to talk to
The <baud rate> argument tells SerialForwarder to
communicate at specified baud rate.
SerialForwarder does not display the packet data itself, but rather
updates the packet counters in the lower-right hand corner of the window. Once
running, the serial forwarder listens for network client connections on a given
TCP port (9001 is the default), and simply forwards TinyOS messages from the
serial port to the network client connection, and vice versa. Note that multiple
applications can connect to the serial forwarder at once, and all of them will
receive a copy of the messages from the sensor network.
More information is available on SerialForwarder and packet sources is
found in the SerialForwarder
Starting the Oscilloscope
It is now time to graphically display the data coming from the motes. Leaving
the serial forwarder running, execute the command
java net.tinyos.oscope.oscilloscope
This will pop up a window
containing a graphical display of the sensor readings from the mote (If you get
an error like "port COM1 busy", you probably forgot to unset the MOTECOM
environment variable at the end of the Listen example. Do that now). It connects
to the serial forwarder over the network and retrieves packet data, parses the
sensor readings from each packet, and draws it on the graph:

The x-axis of the graph is the packet counter number and the
y-axis is the sensor light reading. If the mote has been running for a
while, its packet counter might be quite large, so the readings might not appear
on the graph; just power-cycle the mote to reset its packet counter to 0. If you
don't see any light readings on the display, be sure that you have not zoomed in
on the display.
Using MIG to communicate with
motes |
MIG (Message Interface Generator) is a
tool that is used to automatically generate Java classes that correspond to
Active Message types that you use in your mote applications. MIG reads in the
nesC struct definitions for message types in your mote application and
generates a Java class for each message type that takes care of the gritty
details of packing and unpacking fields in the message's byte format. Using MIG
saves you from the trouble of parsing message formats in your Java application.
MIG is used in conjunction with the net.tinyos.message package,
which provides a number of routines for sending and receiving messages through
the MIG-generated message classes. NCG(nesC Constant Generator) is a tool
to extract constants from nesC files for use with other applications and is
typically used in conjunction with MIG.
Let's look at the code from tools/java/net/tinyos/oscope/GraphPanel.java
(part of the oscilloscope program) that communicates with the serial
forwarder. First, the program connects to the serial forwarder and registers a
handler to be invoked when a packet arrives. All of this is done through the
GraphPanel.java // OK, connect to the serial forwarder and start receiving data mote = new MoteIF(PrintStreamMessenger.err, oscilloscope.group_id); mote.registerListener(new OscopeMsg(), this); |
MoteIF represents a Java interface for sending and receiving
messages to and from motes. The host and port number of the serial forwarder are
obtained from the environment variable MOTECOM. You initialize
MoteIF with PrintStreamMessenger
which indicates where to send status messages (System.err), as well as
an (optional) Active Message group ID. This group ID must correspond to the
group ID used by your motes.
We register a message listener (this) for the message type
OscopeMsg.OscopeMsg is automatically generated by MIG
from the nesC definition for struct OscopeMsg, which we saw earlier in
OscopeMsg.h. Look at tools/java/net/tinyos/oscope/Makefile
for an example of how this class is generated. You will see:
$(MIG) -java-classname=$(PACKAGE).OscopeMsg $(APP)/OscopeMsg.h OscopeMsg -o $@
this generates
OscopeMsg.java from the message type
OscopeMsg in the header file
GraphPanel implements the MessageListener interface, which
defines the interface for receiving messages from the serial forwarder. Each
time a message of the appropriate type is received, the
messageReceived() method is invoked in GraphPanel. It looks
like this:
GraphPanel.java public void messageReceived(int dest_addr, Message msg) { if (msg instanceof OscopeMsg) { oscopeReceived( dest_addr, (OscopeMsg)msg); } else { throw new RuntimeException("messageReceived: Got bad message type: "+msg); } }
public void oscopeReceived(int dest_addr, OscopeMsg omsg) { boolean foundPlot = false; int moteID, packetNum, channelID, channel = -1, i;
moteID = omsg.get_sourceMoteID(); channelID = omsg.get_channel(); packetNum = omsg.get_lastSampleNumber(); /* ... */ |
messageReceived() is called with two arguments: the destination
address of the packet, and the message itself
(net.tinyos.message.Message).Message is just the base class
for the application-defined message types; in this case we want to cast it to
OscopeMsg which represents the actual message format we are using here.
Once we have the OscopeMsg we can extract fields from it using the
handy get_sourceMoteID(), get_lastSampleNumber(), and
get_channel() methods. If we look at struct OscopeMsg in
OscopeMsg.h we'll see that each of these methods corresponds to a field
in the message type:
OscopeMsg.h struct OscopeMsg { uint16_t sourceMoteID; uint16_t lastSampleNumber; uint16_t channel; uint16_t data[BUFFER_SIZE]; }; |
Each field in a MIG-generated class has at least eight methods associated
with it:
- isSigned_fieldname - Indicates whether or not this field is
a signed quantity.
- isArray_fieldname - Indicates whether or not this field is
an array.
- get_fieldname - Return the value of this field.
- set_fieldname - Set the value of this field.
- offset_fieldname - Return the offset (in bytes) for this
- offsetBits_fieldname - Return the offset (in bits) for this
- size_fieldname - Return the length (in bytes) of this field.
- sizeBits_fieldname - Return the length (in bits) of this
Note that additional methods are generated for fields that are
The remainder of messageReceived() pulls the sensor readings out of
the message and places them on the graph.
Sending a message through
It is also possible to send a message to the motes using MIG. The
Oscilloscope application sends messages of type
AM_OSCOPERESETMSG, which causes the mote to reset its packet counter.
Looking at clear_data() in GraphPanel.java, we see how
messages are sent to the motes:
GraphPanel.java try { mote.send(MoteIF.TOS_BCAST_ADDR, new OscopeResetMsg()); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println("Warning: Got IOException sending reset message: "+ioe); ioe.printStackTrace(); } |
All we need to do is invoke MoteIF.send() with the destination
address and the message that we wish to send. Here,
MoteIF.TOS_BCAST_ADDR is used to represent the broadcast destination
address, which is identical to TOS_BCAST_ADDR used in the nesC code.
Transmit the light sensor readings over the radio to another mote that sends
them over the serial port!
The apps/Oscilloscope mote application is written to use the serial
port and the light sensor. Instead, look at apps/OscillosopeRF, which transmits
the sensor readings over the radio. In order to use this application, you need
to use one mote as a gateway that receives data packets over the radio and
transmits them over the serial port. apps/TOSBase is an application that does
this; it simply forwards packets between the radio and the UART (in both
Extra Credit: Can you figure out how to display sensor readings on the
oscilloscope GUI from two motes simultaneously? (Note that the oscillosope GUI
is already capable of displaying sensor readings from multiple motes. You have
to ensure that those readings are correctly transmitted and received over the
network.) This setup would look like the following diagram.

posted on 2005-11-28 01:15
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