Posted on 2008-09-06 23:33
Colin_Huang 阅读(114)
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Start with desire
What's my desire,where's my desire.i have lost him.
I didn't a sentimental man,but i must be now.
I am lost in remembering deeply with looking the doraemon in my plam.
Frist year(05-06):at sep per annum,flame tree blossoms,then,old people go,new people come.em,at that time,i was a new people.come here fristly,fresh man must be curious,including me.met many boys and grils.ah,ah,all are nice in my eyes.and i have a chance encounter with her,my gf.i am in love at first sight.turely,she is graceful..
Second year(06-07): i am a lazy man(estimate from my junior),this year is my last one i stayed in zhangzhou area. study,work,live.... they are all of my life........
Third year(07-08):its the year just past.i dont want to say anymore about this year.
Forth year(08-now):its lasting.miracle must happen i want.. haw.. i am a man who is cheerful....
Thanks for your reading,my writing skill is poor. pardon me