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Well another year will pass soon, a lot of changes happened when looking back.

Being boring at A Company, I started to look for a shift at beginning of this year. Thanks to the headhunters (of course, they earned money by my jump), two offers falled into my sight, C Company and S Company. C is a German Company who has some local resources especially in SAP new dimension products; S is an Indian Company who has global operations, and also won some local BI projects. Actually salalries they provided are same, and I picked S company for the reason that it just locates downstairs of A Company; I hate the crowded  subway and so I have worked in the same building in this software park for 2 years since I moved to this city.

Another important decision had to be made a month ago when I was on a project in S city. I passed a client interview and was assigned to a SEM project in country B for client J for 2 years; and at same time, an alluring BW job offer came from the consulting department of the most famoust ERP software company.

Being overseas and facing a new enviorment are challenges for me even I had similar experience 5 years ago; but I will benefit from 2 years English-speaking working experience and learn a lot from a large scope SAP implementation, besides I will step into a new industry, Pharmaceutical.

If I took the domestic offer, I can get a 50% raise of my salary, access to latest technologies and products, and a big name in my resume; however I have a bad feeling of domestic SAP project and I also think that experience of business process is more important to me than new technology. 

Another reason is that I'd like to be a SEMer more than a BWer even I got the BW certificates. So, finally I decided to go abroad and take the SEM career path, now I get the WP and will apply for visa soon.

Looking ahead into 2007, I am going to start a new journey; and I am so excited that I still have a young heart and am willing to try new things!
posted on 2006-12-22 14:40 Jonathan Ji 阅读(153) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: SAP BW&SEM