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When I chated with my friend yesterday about landing a job in AU, I suddently realized that I am reluctant to take a risk of spending a few months to find a job, or maybe still can not; as I am used to the easy life I am living with now. So I asked myself, what is your ability of taking risk now? Am I losing my passion and ambition? Should I keep challenging myself to make continious progress? I doubt...

"First Descent" is a documentary of snowboarding, when I saw Farmer put himself on the edge even he is in his forties, and Terje challenged the "7601" at its peak on their last day in Alaska; I knew I can do it, and I need to do it! I will go back, quit this bloody job. I am going to be fearless and enthusiasm for my career; I need to find my excited moment as in 2004, even I ignored and lost something precious in the meantime.

Mate! I am gonna go for it, and I will be standing on the top of the billow! Let us keep moving forward!
posted on 2006-08-23 19:01 Jonathan Ji 阅读(159) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: Non-SAP