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The need of interunit elimination always exits especially in MNCs, for some corporations, the interaction between divisions in global scope is so complex that some tools have to be used to consolidate the business data. In SAP, several ways can leads to the consolidated target.


For Strict statutory consolidation purpose, you have choices of EC-CS (in ECC) and SEM-BCS (BW based) in mySAP 2004. (! SEM-BCS R/3 based phases out)


1.       EC_CS : You do not need BW, and can just consolidate your data in ECC;

2.       SEM-BCS : Consolidate your data base on BW Cubes and ODSs, where your OLTP data stored;


The differences between 2 options above are:


ü         Selection logic in reporting for interim acquisitions

ü         Posting logic for PCC

ü         Statistical equity items for net income and minority interests NIA / MIA (SEM-BCS reflects the SDP concept)

ü         Automatic reversal


Basically, SEM-BCS has more functionalities than EC_CS; however, you need to pay price for that…


There are also some other walk-around solutions to realize interunit elimination for those requirements that have simple rules.


1.       ABAP coding : Program can almost do everything you want, but the side effect comes out when rule changes, plug-in and updating…

2.       BW Query : Interunit elimination can be done in Query Designer, the pre-requisite is appropriate data modeling in advance;

3.       Reference Key Figure and Hierarchy : “Elimination” tab of “Reference Key Figure” can help to elimination internal business volume; although no consolidated data is stored physically, you won’t see the interunit data in BW Query. Please refer to http://help.sap.com/saphelp_sem40bw/helpdata/en/e3/e60138fede083de10000009b38f8cf/frameset.htm for detail information.

posted on 2006-08-18 17:27 Jonathan Ji 阅读(195) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用