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Finally, I finished this tricky SEM project. As I mentioned before, I was facing a BSC or MC choice in this assignment, and BPS had to be introduced to solve it.

The solution is using BPS to calculate KPIs and their benchmark scores, and then presenting the status in MC. It is tested ok and got client's approval. After implementation, however I think there are still some concerns. First, now there are only 14 KPIs; but there might be more than 100 KPIs, in that case, BPS have to take care of a lot of calculation. And using of hierarchy variable has not been tested yet, which is going to be applied in the furture for sure; this will cause some structures changes.

Anyway, time is limited and thing can not all be done in just one and half months. For things left, I guess only God knows. 
posted on 2006-07-10 18:08 Jonathan Ji 阅读(320) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: SAP SEM/CPM