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I logged my comment of an SAP-SEM book (《mySAP 集团战略管理》) on dangdang.com today as below:

1. Detail step by step guide;
2. Covers SRM, CPM and BPS;
3. No BCS content;
4. Maybe be not suitable for an entry level SAPer, at least you have to have some knowleadge of SAP business Information Warehouse, accounting and finance, strategy management before you can understand what it is talking about (of cause, you need a SAP BW/SEM system on hand);
5. No tips and tricks.

Hopefully it will help somebody.
posted on 2006-05-29 03:56 Jonathan Ji 阅读(414) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: SAP SEM/BPSSAP SEM/CPM